The weekend of my first physical sale has come and did the sale go?? It didn't. After spending all summer readying the garage, house and inventory the store will not open. I didn't say will never open, however things didn't quite come together as planned.
1934 Vintage Uncle Sam Toy Cash Register, by Durable Toy and Novelty by calloohcallay
First to come about was my husband's new job offer, that includes housing. Okay fine, we'll move, find a renter and continue to use the garage as a store. Sounds all well and good until I start thinking, would I really like living 10 ft from someone a store, what happens when someone stops in "on the fly" to shop? What happens when I'm at the store and have to go to the bathroom or use the sink?
Vintage FOR RENT sign tin metal rusty red by MySeriousSide
As bummed as I am, I know that everything happens for a reason. I put some of the inventory at Red Roof Antiques in North Platte, added some inventory to my booth at Accent's Etc here in McCook, and will continue online. When the opportunity arises to do a physical store again, yes I will jump at it, because it really is what I long to do.
As Steven Tyler has said time and time again "Life is a journey, not a destination" What fun would it be if life was all smooth sailing?
Through the Viewfinder Photograph 5x5 by jillruthandco
Did my store fail? NO!
I fully believe that the timing was wrong, when the good Lord see's the timing as right, things will fall smoothly in place. Setbacks are His way of showing us He is really the one in control and if we fully give our lives to Him amazing things will happen!
Faith Color Block Wooden Cross by MagnoliaMarket
"Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith
bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience."
James 1: 3
First to come about was my husband's new job offer, that includes housing. Okay fine, we'll move, find a renter and continue to use the garage as a store. Sounds all well and good until I start thinking, would I really like living 10 ft from someone a store, what happens when someone stops in "on the fly" to shop? What happens when I'm at the store and have to go to the bathroom or use the sink?
As bummed as I am, I know that everything happens for a reason. I put some of the inventory at Red Roof Antiques in North Platte, added some inventory to my booth at Accent's Etc here in McCook, and will continue online. When the opportunity arises to do a physical store again, yes I will jump at it, because it really is what I long to do.
As Steven Tyler has said time and time again "Life is a journey, not a destination" What fun would it be if life was all smooth sailing?
Did my store fail? NO!
I fully believe that the timing was wrong, when the good Lord see's the timing as right, things will fall smoothly in place. Setbacks are His way of showing us He is really the one in control and if we fully give our lives to Him amazing things will happen!
"Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith
bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience."
James 1: 3
Good story despite the outcome wasn't what you wanted.
I do believe as cliche as it sounds that things happen for a reason so keep your dream!
I have a store so if you ever want any advice lemme know. :)
and thanks for including my For Rent sign!
Oh Courtney, I'm sorry and...I'm not. It sounds like you know it will be ok so why be sorry? You know I wonder if you feel any freedom in any of this change of plans? Often when I accept God's will I feel freedom somewhere and often in unexpected ways. I've been sorting my junk all day. Shifting it here and there and wondering how I'll sell it all. We'll get there or at least learn along the way!
I was just talking with a friend yesterday about her son's business, and even if it fails he'll learn so much. Sounds like you've got the right attitude--this was your practice run, and next time, when everything is right, you'll be more than ready.
Thanks for picturing my cash register!
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